#We Leading #D #S #INDUSTRIES #N-Propyl #Acetate #Supplier in #Vadodara #india. #D #S #INDUSTRIES #Accurate #delivery #N-Propyl #Acetate #All #Over. N-Propyl acetate is an organic compound commonly used as a solvent and in various industries. Some of its primary uses include. N-Propyl Acetate Used in formulations for paints and thinners for different applications, including printing inks (rotogravure and flexography), industrial coatings , original automotive paints and car refinishing . In printing inks, it also stands out for its low retention in flexible polyethylene and polypropylene films. #Key #words #N-Propyl #Acetate Ester compound Organic solvent Coatings and inks Flavors and fragrances Low toxicity Cleaning agent Fast-drying Industrial applications Adhesives #D #S #INDUSTRIES #N-Propyl #Acetate #Supplier D S INDUSTRIES VADODARA
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